Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our November Tea Room Day

For several years now (possibly 5, we can't remember), my friend Adrienne and I have met in Dundas to spend the afternoon with each other.

Adrienne and I met during internship (we are both U of Guelph grads) in Kingston in 2001 and have been great friends since. We've enjoyed our friendship in many ways: working in public health as dietitians, travelling together to Nova Scotia to attend our friend's wedding (another dietitian from internship), meeting for coffee/tea, and being pregnant at the same time (we each have March baby boys).
Each November we meet at Taylor's tea room in Dundas to start the day. Fresh currant scones with homemade jam, tea/coffee and sandwiches are the norm. We then shop around the little stores in Dundas, chatting endlessly about the events in our lives. It is always a nice time of year - that "pre-Christmasy" feel! Before we head out, we stop by the bakery to get a little something for the trip home. Thanks for another lovely day, Adrienne.

You can't tell what this picture is but it is one of my boys: Jonathan, Micah and Seth are at the front window, waiting for me to come home. Ladies day out was nice but so was the warm welcome when I walked in the door.
Having the boys at the window is something we often do when one of us is leaving/coming home.

1 comment: said...

Great tradition - you are so good at keeping in touch with friends and family. Good for you!