Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This n' That

December has been busy. We had our offer accepted to buy a new house so have to start getting our house ready to sell. Jonathan's parents came to help and were AMAZING! Thank you! Leah sure enjoyed her time w/ Grammy!
Jonathan almost has the bathroom finished. What a job!

1. When one does not have a tub, the sink will do! Just seems like yesterday that Grammy gave Leah her first bath at the kitchen sink! Here is she at 9 months already!

2. Enjoying another game of hockey. Last time I was 6.5 months pregnant!

3. Boys enjoying bathroom demolition! They were great!

4. Leah and Moses enjoying some down time.

Friday, December 9, 2011

December II/II !

1. Decorating Christmas cookies.
2. Three wonderful kids.
3. Smiling girl.
4. Micah loving his sister.

December I/II !

1. Leah is as sweet as ever.
She's always so happy and sure to give you a smile.

2. Seth spends a lot of time w/ Leah during the day, and as you can see, enjoys it. Look at their eyes!

3. Mommy sure loves her little girl!

4. Leah can get around. She's pretty good at getting all of the magazines down too!

5. Our first Christmas w/ Leah! Sweet.