Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quebec (part 4/4)

Jonathan and I just got back from a great weekend away. The boys went to Grammy and Grampa's and we headed to Scott and Sophie's at West Lake Willows Friday night.
Saturday night was spent in Quebec City and Sunday night in Montreal. We really enjoyed our time together and I was thrilled with my race. Enjoy the pictures (not in order, sorry).

West Lake Willows

is a beautiful place in Prince Edward County to cottage. Thank you, S and S!

Seth and Micah had a great weekend with Grammy and Grampa.

We enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner in Montreal after the race. Thanks, Dina and Gallo Nero!


1st place, personal best and new course record in the 1/2 marathon (1:19:14)- yippeee!

1 comment: said...

You're one in a million, Krista! Well, done!