Friday, April 24, 2009

Seth is Walking and Signing!!

Well...we finally got it on video - our Seth Peter walking. Let the fun begin! Uncle Kevin thinks he will be running in no time, like his mommy!

Check out . For some, you will remember Micah communicating using infant sign. We are so glad we did this as it replaced much fussing with signing! It was particularly useful for Micah because of the problems he had with his ears/hearing. So, here's our Seth saying, "please". He will also do, "more" and "drink".
The barn from grampa and grammy is by far, one of the most popular toys we have. Micah is now teaching Seth the animal sounds!
Micah is still enjoying his fort-building. Daddy made a special one for Micah in his bed.

Soup can hockey. Oh, to be a boy!

1 comment: said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date on the "big" and "little" things of daily life at the DuChenes. It helps to stay close and I love that!