Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Stormy Times

The other day we watched big storm clouds roll in. It was entertaining to listen to thunder and look for lightning (or as Micah says, "Lightning McQueen").
It was so dark out!

Micah was quite stormy the other day due to a lack of sleep.
Check out the video to see just how tired he was! (I think it's so cute with Seth watching him)


cafepress.com/hitsandhobbies said...

Oh gosh - what a cute video!!! I kept thinking, poor kid wants to sleep so badly and keeps waking himself up - it's like torture. And then I thought of Jack Bauer and all the torture he has gone through oh these many years, and then I thought - hey - Micah looks like Mr. Jack - he's a mini-Jack - He's mini-Micah-Jack.

Sophia said...

that was so funny! How did you keep from laughing? I don't think I could have, lol....
Poor sleepy Micah.